Passenger experience

We are committed to continually improving the airport experience by responding to feedback, using new technology and delivering initiatives to enhance the overall airport experience. To read about our performance in this area, see our Sustainability Report.

Service qualities

Customer service remains one of the top drivers of customer satisfaction and influences the overall airport experience.

Sydney Airport meets regularly with business partners, including airlines, ground handling agencies and border agencies, on customer and operational related matters and surveys regularly to receive feedback from on ways to improve the customer experience.

Measuring customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction surveys are undertaken to identify trends and feedback to help the business identify areas to focus on and monitor performance.

In addition to customer surveys, customers can provide feedback directly in a range of ways including via the Contact Us page on our website. At times, this feedback relates to airport business partners including airlines, border agencies and retailers. Where this is the case, we work with these partners to assist in responding to customer feedback. All feedback is reviewed and considered as part of our regular continuous improvement programs.

Sydney Airport Ambassadors

The Sydney Airport Ambassador program offers a warm welcome to visitors, providing exceptional customer service and creating a positive first and last impression of Sydney since 1999. Our Airport Ambassadors are located at the International and Domestic terminals to assist customers with information they may require during their travels.

Access to and from the airport

Master Plan 2039 and Airport Environment Strategy contain a ground transport strategy and a specific ground transport plan for the period 2019-2024. The five-year plan shows how Sydney Airport will maximise the efficient movement of people and freight to, from and within the airport precincts.

Managing ground access in and around Sydney Airport is important for our customers and our local communities. Development and urbanisation in areas around the airport, together with air passenger growth, has increased demand on ground transport infrastructure in the past five years.

The plan and strategy contained in the Master Plan are designed to improve road network performance in and around Sydney Airport to 2024 and beyond and accommodate forecasted increases in ground transport demand over the planning period. Further detail can be found in the Ground Transport Development Plan in the current Master Plan, which is available to download from the website.

The plan includes additional measures to improve access to, and connectivity of, the active transport network. Active transport infrastructure supports reductions in connection in and around the airport. Footbridge and cycleway connections are in place at T1, as are facilities for bike storage and change rooms.

Sydney Gateway is a NSW Government road project to connect the city’s motorway network to the airport. With approximately 70 per cent of the project’s construction taking place on Sydney Airport land, we work closely with Transport for NSW to facilitate the development of the project which is expected to start in 2021. See the Ground transport section for more information.

To read about our performance in this area see our Sustainability Report.