Business continuity and resilience

Sydney Airport, as a certified aerodrome, is required to have an Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) which sets out the plan to provide a timely, measured and coordinated response to, and initial recovery from, a major incident or emergency at Sydney Airport.

Responsibility for emergency preparedness, response and investigation sits with Sydney Airport’s General Manager, Operations and the Chief Aviation Officer.

The AEP outlines Sydney Airport’s emergency management arrangements with respect to the governance, coordination, roles and responsibilities of agencies and communication with stakeholders. Supporting plans have been developed where specialised responses are required.

The AEP is reviewed at least every twelve months and/or as soon as practicable following an emergency exercise or activation of the AEP. The review is conducted by Sydney Airport, in consultation with the Airport Emergency Committee (AEC), agencies and organisations referred to in the plan.

Sydney Airport’s emergency planning is developed in compliance with Federal and State Government and Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) regulations. The Sydney AEP is a sub plan of the Local Disaster Plan (Displan) under the provisions of the NSW State Emergency Management Pan (EMPLAN) and the New South Wales State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 (SERM Act 1989).

Modular exercises are conducted over the course of the year and a full field exercise is held every two years to test the coordinated response and the adequacy of the procedures and facilities outlined in the plan. Sydney Airport undertakes regular audits of all equipment, facilities, and supplies associated with the AEP.

Desktop exercises are conducted every year in consultation with the AEC. Additional exercises, desktops, drills and testing are carried out in consultation with the AEC, responding agencies and/or as deemed necessary by Sydney Airport.

Business Continuity Plans are in place across business functions that have been identified as critical to the airport’s operation. These plans outline strategies to be implemented to maintain, or minimise impacts to, levels of service in the event of a disruption to critical services.

Airport stakeholders and the general public can call the Integrated Operations Centre to report emergencies and/or request assistance. This line is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Matters requiring additional action are referred to the Sydney Airport Duty Manager.

To read about our performance in this area see our Sustainability Report.