Sydney Airport Corporation Limited (SACL) is the operating company that manages the airport’s assets and derives its income from airport activities.
Southern Cross Airports Corporation Holdings Limited (SCACH) is the ultimate parent company of SACL. Other companies within the SCACH Group are:
- Southern Cross Airports Corporation Pty Limited
- Sydney Airport RPS Company Pty Limited
- Sydney Airport Finance Company Pty Limited
Click here to view our annual and interim reports in the investor centre.
As one of Australia’s most significant pieces of infrastructure, our operations have a significant impact on the local economy. You can read more in Deloitte Access Economics' report on the economic contribution of Sydney Airport.
Deed of cross guarantee
All companies in the SCACH Group, including SCACH itself and its subsidiaries listed above, have entered into a deed of cross guarantee from 21 December 2007 pursuant to ASIC Corporations Instrument 2016/785 (which supersedes ASIC Class Order 98/1418).
Click here to download a PDF version of the ASIC Deed of Cross Guarantee.